Sardinian gangster on reality show

Photo: Geneviève Gagné

Orgosolo, birthplace of Graziano Mesina Photo: Geneviève Gagné

Sardinia’s infamous gangster, Graziano Mesina, could take part in an Italian reality show (L’isola dei famosi) which brings together a melting pot of famous people from showgirls to just recently gangster.

They will all be stuck on an island in Nicaragua where they will have to fight for their survival. Given that Graziano Mesina was imprisoned for many years on the Asinara Island, an Italian Alcatraz, and performed an incredible escape orchestrated with his wife, I’m sure he’ll have no problem living on this deserted island.

The 67-year-old ex-gangster as I should call him because he was granted pardon by the Italian state, has spent 40 years in prison for kidnapping rich people and asking them for ransom to give to the needed ones. He is known as the Robin Hood of Sardinia and is now working as a tour guide in his village, Orgosolo.

When a gangster such as Graziano Mesina is staring on a reality show only one question comes to mind: How far are reality shows willing to go to get more audience? Is it acceptable to promote crime and violence on television?

In my opinion, this decision is as ridiculous as the show. But since the show will be watched by thousands of people, I think it’s worth asking ourselves if it’s fine to have a person on a popular show that portrays the typical Sardinian gangster. And on top of that, it’s strange that he accepted to go on an Italian reality show because most people from its village, Orgosolo, strongly reject the Italian state and its culture. They’ve always proclaimed themselves as Sardinian and not Italians. This state of mind is clear when you stroll around the city and see the different graffiti all criticizing the Italian state. As a matter of fact, this part of Sardinia located in the center of the island has never been colonized by the Romans or any other colonizer and all of its inhabitants take pride in their identity.

On the other hand, some people believe he has served his time and shouldn’t be forbidden to go on the show. Others think like me and don’t think this show is a place for ex-criminals because it could incite youngsters to do the same crimes he was famously known for or simply trivialize them.